The Power of Story

Posted by Difference on January 24, 2022


Seeking out the story of others can transform our perspective on those we hold at an arm’s length.

“We show up to conversations about justice and power as children of God… and one of the biggest resources we bring is stories.”

Protest chaplain Demarius shares his experience below of encountering someone standing on the other side of a divide and becoming curious about their story.

Protest chaplains hold space for protesters to demonstrate peacefully and process their emotions when necessary. They don’t tend to get involved directly in protest activities but sometimes work to deescalate interactions between police and protesters.

Demarius says, “Protest chaplaincy is a way to show up in a protest space not just as a political actor but as my most authentically human self living out the Christian vocation to love.”


Demarius was challenged by an encounter with another person to become curious about their story – seeing beyond the surface. How might you seek out the story of someone to understand them in a new way?

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